Standing Out in the SaaS Crowd: A Guide to Developing a Unique Brand Voice That Gets Noticed

“Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”

This quote by Theodore Roosevelt applies very well to the world of B2B SaaS marketing. There's no doubt that features and benefits are important. But, it's your brand voice that builds the emotional connection.

Imagine your SaaS solution coming to life – how would it talk? That's your brand voice! It's more than just words. It's the overall personality you project in all your marketing materials. In a crowded space, a unique brand voice can be the key to standing out.

Take Slack for example. They’re straightforward, informative, and occasionally quirky. Slack uses short, snappy sentences and focus on the benefits of their product in a clear and concise way. They also incorporate a touch of humor and pop culture references to add personality. Slack positions itself as the efficient and collaborative communication hub for modern teams. Their voice reflects the fast-paced nature of work and the importance of clear, concise communication.

How about Mailchimp? They’re friendly, approachable, and helpful. They use humor and lighthearted language to make complex marketing topics relatable to a broad audience. Mailchimp avoids technical jargon and focus on clear, concise communication. They position themselves as the "easy button" for marketing, letting anyone create campaigns and reach their goals.

The B2B SaaS Landscape is a Battlefield

Standing out online is tough for startups. Bland messages turn off potential customers. They won't connect with your brand, trust you, or become loyal. This makes it hard to find your ideal clients and grow your business.

But don't worry. I've got you covered!

Let's dive in and learn how to stand out from the crowd, so you can turn website visitors into loyal customers.

How a Generic Voice Can Hurt You

The consequence of a generic brand voice in the B2B SaaS world is threefold:

  1. Missed Emotional Connection: People want to feel something! That's why dry messages get ignored. Prospects see features, not the story behind your solution, and struggle to understand how it can truly benefit them.
  2. Elusive Trust and Loyalty: Winning trust is tough without an emotional connection. Customers are more likely to choose competitors who resonate with their needs and challenges.
  3. Difficulty Attracting Ideal Clients: A generic voice makes it difficult to stand out from the crowd. Your ideal customers can't tell why your solution is best because they're hearing the same pitch from everyone.

Three Actionable Steps

The solution lies in developing a unique and authentic brand voice that resonates with your target audience. Let's break it down into three actionable steps. Follow them to develop a unique identity that connects with your ideal customer on a deeper level.

Uncover Your Brand Identity: The Bedrock of Your B2B SaaS Voice

Your brand voice is your beacon, cutting through the crowded B2B SaaS market and leading customers to you. But before you can build that lighthouse, you need a solid foundation – a clear understanding of your brand identity. Know your "why" and "who". This includes your company's purpose (mission & values) and your perfect customer (ideal customer).

Some founders might scoff at the idea of spending time on these seemingly "impractical" exercises. Here's why they're the secret sauce to crafting a voice that resonates:

  • Mission, Vision, and Values: Your Guiding Light: These statements aren't just wall art. A clear mission statement defines what you do on a daily basis. Your vision statement paints a picture of your long-term goals. And your core values act as your moral compass, guiding decision-making and shaping how you interact with customers and the world. By understanding your "why," you can develop a brand voice that is authentic, passionate, and connects with those who share your values.
  • Know Your Ideal Customer: Picture your ideal customer like someone looking for a specific store in a mall. They know what they want and your business is the bright, welcoming sign that draws them in. By defining their demographics, challenges, and goals, you gain a laser focus on who you're trying to reach with your voice.
  • Unearthing Your USP: Stand Out From the Crowd: The B2B SaaS landscape is teeming with competitors, all vying for the same audience. Your unique selling proposition (USP) is what sets you apart. Is it your innovative technology? Your exceptional customer service? Identifying your USP allows you to craft a brand voice that highlights your strengths. It positions you as the go-to solution for your ideal customer's specific challenges.

Imagine Zoom. Their goal? Making virtual connections and teamwork easy. Who needs them? Marketing teams spread out in different places, having trouble staying on the same page. Zoom's secret weapon? A super friendly interface and crystal-clear video calls. By knowing this about themselves, Zoom can talk in a way that's helpful, straight to the point. It's all about fixing remote teamwork problems for marketing folks.

Craft Your Brand Voice: Speak Your Truth, Find Your Audience

You found your brand's core values. Now, it's time to create a voice that reflects them — a voice that attracts your ideal customer and convinces them your B2B SaaS is the answer they need. Here are some key ingredients to consider:

  • Clarity and Concision Rule: People don't want cryptic messages or technical jargon. Strive for clear, concise language that your target audience can easily understand. Avoid complex sentence structures and industry jargon. Otherwise, you'll only leave them scratching their heads.
  • Personality Makes You Memorable: Your brand voice should be infused with your brand personality. Are you friendly and approachable, the helpful guide on their B2B journey? Or are you data-driven and authoritative, a trusted source of industry expertise? Let your personality shine through to create a voice that's both informative and engaging.
  • The Power of Storytelling: People connect with stories. Weaving them into your content can make complex topics relatable and memorable.

Take a company like HubSpot, super focused on their customers (that's their "thing"). They talk directly to marketing managers, the people who need help. Instead of confusing marketing jargon, HubSpot uses clear, friendly language. Their blog posts offer practical tips, like "how-to" guides on marketing strategies. They even show real customer success stories to prove it works! This all makes sense to marketing managers, who just want easy-to-understand solutions to their problems. This relatable approach is what connects with their ideal customer.

Content Consistency is Key: Keeping Your Lighthouse Shining Bright

Your brand voice is your lighthouse, guiding potential customers towards your B2B SaaS solution. But what happens if your lighthouse beacon flickers in and out, or worse, changes color completely? Confusion reigns, and your target audience ends up lost at sea. This is why content consistency is key.

Here's how to ensure your brand voice shines brightly and consistently across all your marketing channels:

  • Brand Style Guide is Your Lighthouse Blueprint: Think of a brand style guide as the architectural plans for your lighthouse. It outlines your brand voice and tone. That includes your preferred language, sentence structure, and even personality traits. Having a style guide ensures everyone on your team, from founders to marketing and sales, is singing from the same hymn sheet. This creates a unified brand experience for your customers, regardless of where they encounter your content.
  • Templates and Content Calendars Streamline the Journey: They can be your lifesaver. Templates for things like blog posts and social media captions will save you time and keep your brand voice consistent. Think of them as pre-built ships, ready to sail your content ideas. A content calendar acts like a lighthouse. It guides you and avoids last-minute scrambles that might cause brand voice issues.
  • Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Your brand voice isn't just the founder's domain. Involve your entire team – founders, marketing, and sales – in developing and maintaining your brand voice. A united front with a consistent voice will amplify your message and make your B2B SaaS solution even more recognizable.

Pick any well know brand, and you'll find that they publish content on a consistent basis. I can't think of anyone that approaches it haphazardly. At least none that are well known.

Time to Take Action

Here's your action plan to use what you've learned in this week's newsletter.

  1. Unearth Your Brand's Soul: Grab a pen and paper (or your favorite note-taking app). Ask yourself: Why does my company exist? What problem am I passionate about solving? Who is my ideal customer (think specific demographics, challenges, and goals)? Understanding your "why" and "who" is the foundation for an authentic voice. Create a B2B SaaS Brand Foundation Document and keep it handy so you can refer to it as needed.
  2. Channel Your Inner Superhero: Is it friendly and approachable like Captain America? Or is it data-driven and authoritative like Iron Man? Identifying your brand personality injects personality into your voice. Define this clearly in your document.
  3. Ditch the Jargon: Use clear, concise language that's easy to understand. Review your website copy to see what needs improvement.
  4. People Connect With Stories: Weave them into your content. Illustrate how your product solves real customer problems. Review existing website copy to see where you can improve. Aim to incorporate stories into future content wherever possible.
  5. Consistency Messaging is Key: Refer to that B2B SaaS Brand Foundation Document

Bonus Tip: Look to established B2B SaaS companies for inspiration. How does their voice resonate with their audience? Can you adapt a similar approach for your brand?

Ready to stand out? Follow these steps to develop a voice that attracts your dream customer and fuels growth.

Stephen Jeske

For B2B SaaS founders only. Get weekly insight into building awareness, converting prospects, increasing adoption, and creating advocates using content.

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